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Rhythmic Movement Training


Rhythmic Movement Training 

What is RMT?

Rhythmic Movement Training is a movement based, primitive (infant or neo-natal) reflex integration program that uses developmental movements, gentle isometric pressure and self-awareness to rebuild the foundations necessary to help overcome learning, sensory, emotional and behavioural challenges for children and adults.

Who is RMT for?

For those who have challenges with efficient brain function; Anxiety, learning challenges, emotional difficulties, physical co-ordination issues, developmental delay.

How does RMT help?

RMT helps by using Retained Reflex Assessment, brain stimulation and reflex integration. By promoting positive changes through gentle movement we can identify the possible roots of challenges, and then working to change them from the foundations, up.

How long is each session?

  • Approx 1 hour long
  • We work with both the parent and child
  • Find out possible root causes
  • Teach you some movements/exercises to do at home, that will help you and your child.

Simple exercises at home – 2 or 3 a day.
Exercises take about 5  – 10 minutes, to do in total.

Get in touch

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