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Is crawling important?
Is crawling still important for the developing baby? 'It doesn't matter if your baby doesn't crawl.' Or 'Crawling isn't even…Why am I feeling like this?-Stress, Trauma, Primitive Reflexes and Brain Function
There is no denying that what we are living through in the world today - #Covid19, #Social distancing, loss of…5 Top Tips – to help the brain work better under exam/assessment stress
5 Top Tips to help the brain work better under exam stress: Exam Stress - GCSE's, A'Levels, SATS, end of academic…Finding the right help
A parent's instincts are very strong - and invariably cannot be faulted. I knew my son was encountering difficulties, that…How do our reflexes relate to challenges?
This is a question I get asked, on a regular basis. Another one I hear a lot, is, "Why does…How RMT is helping with my fibromyalgia…
8 years ago, my father passed away from cancer. This was followed by a period of additional stress in my…How are reflexes linked to handwriting?
How can RMTi help with Handwriting Difficulties? Several of my clients have come to me, because they have difficulties with…What do reflexes have to do with learning to read?
Having taught for many years, there are lots of things that can make learning to read challenging - specially learning…Parenting in the holidays
We live in a completely different world, to the one that we grew up in. Every parent constantly asks themselves,…Dealing with Stress/Anxiety
I recently posted a question on my fb page, asking people to share what happens to them when they are…